Monday, 28 December 2015

Time for Some More Reviews!

About a year ago I reviewed a phone.  It was the only Firefox OS based phone available in the UK and hence was a little bit unusual.  Anyway, I never really looked at stats for that video until a few weeks ago and realised that quite a few people had been viewing it.

So, with that spurring me on, I've decided to start reviewing some various pieces of tech that I've started to buy recently, in the hope that it may save some people from spending money on a load of rubbish :-)

The first one is here...

This is my review of the Meizu M2 Flyme OS phone. Directly imported into the UK from China.

Phone Spec:

Purchased from: Eternal Team through AliExpress (

Cost: 95 GBP (inclusive of Import Duty)

Time to Delivery: 12 working days

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